Our Coachella Festival 2017 Roundup

Posted on 25 April 2017

Our Coachella Festival 2017 Roundup

Last weekend, Coachella kicked off the start of the festival season with a bang! Everyone was eager to see what the outfit trends of 2017 were going to be. Whilst being excited for the performance livestreams, so those of us who didn't have a ticket could pretend we were there! 

Kendall Jenner is notorious for turning up care free, enjoying the weekend to the fullest, but due to her Pepsi ad backlash she had been in hiding. As this was her first public sighting in 2 weeks, she was like a dear in the headlights! She wasn’t care free, and you could tell she was trying her utmost to keep a low profile. Luckily, her sister Kylie Jenner also wanted to keep a low profile, due to her recent break up with rapper Tyga.

But the drama for that weekend had only just begun. The Madison Club got put on blast by Drake! He complained about the treatment him and his entourage received, whilst staying at the resort. He deleted the post a few hours later, but by then it was too late! The post was viewed and shared over 100,000 times. This caused people to slate the company all over social media. It didn't take long for The Madison Club to offer Drake a very public apology and try to resolve the matter.

Drake Madison Club Coachella

But the drama didn’t end there. Reinaldo De Jesus Henao was arrested for pickpocketing people, stealing over 100 phones. However, he wasn't the smartest criminal as revellers managed to track him down, using the 'Find My iPhone' app. That was more drama than we all bargained for and that was just from weekend 1! Now on to the outfits. Unfortunately, most of outfits worn across the weekend were styles repeated from last year. Until Rihanna came along wearing a crystal Gucci bodysuit, Gucci sunglasses, shorts and vest top, with the total outfit cost amounting to $8480! Completely upstaging everyone.

A cute little boy went viral over the weekend, dancing on his dads shoulders to Migos. You can watch this here. So now Migos want to meet this little boy and put him in their next music video! How cool is that? Vanessa Hudgens, the reigning Coachella queen to many, came back this year with another boho chic inspired outfit. There was a huge debate when Beyonce cancelled the headline gig, as it conflicted with her maternity leave. Would Lady Gaga, the replacement be able to fill her shoes? But Lady Gaga closed the weekend with a firework studded performance, which attracted over 100,000 people watching her onstage.

Until next time Coachella, I think that's enough glitter to last us until next year.



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