Jay Z - Hype Logo Sweatshirt & New Backpacks

Posted on 12 June 2015

Jay Z - Hype Logo Sweatshirt & New Backpacks

It's fair to say that British streetwear brand of the moment Hype are having a rather stellar year. Having stocked the brand since early 2014 we have seen this fantastic young fashion outfit really develop over the last 2 years into a real powerhouse. Their ever expanding range of Hype backpacks are continuous best sellers. Particular favourites with you guys are the Hype Speckled Backpack Rucksack Bags in a multitude of colours and the Hype Spiral Blossom Backpack Rucksack Bag in Green with its summery floral print infusions.

Our range of Hype backpacks is increasing all the time and so keep an eye out over the coming weeks for some exclusive new styles and colours: Perfect for school, college, uni, work or around town.

As if to reinforce the popularity of the Hype brand, various celebreties, musicians and footballers are getting in on the act and none more so than Jay Z. The New York rapper and hip hop mogel has been seen on more than one occasion sporting his Hype Script Logo Crew Neck Sweatshirt Black. We have this great sweat in multiple colours and we also have the hooded version to boot. Pair with some Hype Classic Logo Sweat Pants Jogger Bottoms to complete the sportwear look.


Jay Z in Hype Sweatshirt


It looks like just about everyone is starting to Believe the Hype!


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